Then Samuel took a vial of oil, and poured [it] upon his head, and kissed him, and said, [Is it] not because the LORD hath anointed thee [to be] captain over his inheritance?

Ver. 1. Then Samuel took a vial of oil.] Not a horn, as when David and his posterity were anointed, but a vial made of earth, or glass; brittle matter, to signify, say some, the short continuance of his kingdom. He was anointed with oil, as to set forth his superiority and eminency above his subjects, - oil will ever be on the top of other liquors, - so to admonish him of lenity, clemency, and bounty - whereof oil is a symbol - to be exercised toward them.

And kissed him.] In token of congratulation and subjection. Genesis 41:40 1Ki 19:18 Psalms 2:12 Hos 13:2

And said, Is it not because the Lord, &c.] What else is the import of these ceremonies used by me? Some render it, And said, Should I not do thus? for Jehovah hath anointed thee, &c., for it seemeth that Saul, in modesty, had used some resistance: refusing to be anointed, till Samuel persuaded and pacified him with these words: likens afterwards, when our Saviour came to be baptized of John, he flatly forbade him, a and kept him out of the water, till Christ said, "Suffer it so to be: for thus it behoveth us to fulfil all righteousness." Mat 3:14-15

a Consentaneum est iniecta manu Ioan. conatum vetare Iesum. - Erasm.

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