And they ran and fetched him thence: and when he stood among the people, he was higher than any of the people from his shoulders and upward.

Ver. 23. And they ran and fetched him thence.] Thus honour followeth them that fly it, flieth from them that follow it; as they say of the crocodile. It hath been already noted of Claudius, that he was pulled out of a hole by the heels, and made emperor.

He was higher than any of the people by the shoulders.] a This did further edge the people's affections, as hoping that he would be as eminent above others in virtue, as he was in stature. Virgil commendeth his Aeneas and Turnus b from their tallness: and Pliny c his Trajan, that he was not carried on men's shoulders as some proud emperors had been, but was taller than others by the head and shoulders.

a Eξοχος ανθρωπων κεφαλην και ευρεας ωμους .

b Cunctis altior ibat. - Aeneid., lib. viii. Toto vertice supra est ("de Turno "), lib. vii.

c Plin., in Paneg.

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