And the Spirit of the LORD will come upon thee, and thou shalt prophesy with them, and shalt be turned into another man.

Ver. 6. And the Spirit of the Lord will come upon thee.] Not that free or princely spirit Psa 51:12 that David prayed for, - and had, no doubt, - but a common spirit of prophecy and of government.

And thou shalt prophesy with them.] This was for the time only, as Balaam's ass spake, saith Augustine; a but this gift soon left him again. Saul, by conversing with prophets, prophesied: see the power and profit of holy company. Those that live within the sunshine of religion cannot but be somewhat coloured with those beams.

And shalt be turned into another man.] Not into a spiritual man, as Nazianzen thinketh, but into a prudent and valiant man. Fies ex rudi sapiens, ex duro mitis, ex agresti urbanus, ex privato regius. A great change there shall be wrought in thee: howbeit not a sanctifying but a civil change, or merely mental at utmost, suitable to thy kingly calling.

a Lib. ii. ad Simplician., Quest. 1.

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