Therefore Saul removed him from him, and made him his captain over a thousand; and he went out and came in before the people.

Ver. 13. Therefore Saul removed him from him.] As the great Turk doth always his eldest son, whom he sendeth away into some remote provinces, lest he should practise treason. And as unto the Aga, captain of the janizaries, nothing can portend a more certain destruction than to be of them beloved; for then is he of the great sultan straightway feared or mistrusted, and occasion sought for to take him out of the way; a so it befell good David.

And made him his captain over a thousand.] This seeming preferment was indeed a persecution; for hereby David, being valorous and venturous, was exposed to no small danger in fighting against the enemies. Uriah lost his life by such means.

a Turk. Hist.

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