Then came David to Nob to Ahimelech the priest: and Ahimelech was afraid at the meeting of David, and said unto him, Why [art] thou alone, and no man with thee?

Ver. 1. Then came David to Nob.] Not to that Nob beyond Jordan, Num 32:42 Jdg 8:11 - as more remote from Saul; Procul a Iove, et procul a fulmine, - but to Nob a city of Benjamin near unto Anathoth, Nehemiah 11:32 1Ki 2:26 where, at this time, was the tabernacle, with the altar; and therefore great store of priests attending upon it. a Hither resorted David in this distress: as to consult with God, 1Sa 22:10 ; 1 Samuel 22:13 ; 1Sa 22:15 so to get relief in that necessity from the high priest: to whom he flieth, when hunted from the prophet Samuel; as knowing that justice and compassion should dwell in those breasts which are consecrated to God.

To Ahimelech the priest.] Otherwise called Ahiah, 1Sa 14:3 but certainly Abiathar. Mar 2:26

And Ahimelech was afraid.] As were likewise the Bethlehemites at the coming of Samuel. 1Sa 16:4 See the note there. The priest suspected David fled as a proscribed person.

Why art thou alone?]

Tempera si fuerint nubila, solus eris.

Herein appeareth the inconstancy of courtly favour, saith Peter Martyr. David, who was before beloved, admired, and reverenced of all, is now left and forsaken of all. If the sun shine not on the dial, no man will look at it; so fareth it with great subjects, when out of favour with their prince.

a Serrer. Jun.

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