And when Saul saw the host of the Philistines, he was afraid, and his heart greatly trembled.

Ver. 5. He was afraid.] "The sinners in Zion are afraid; fearfulness surpriseth the hypocrites": and they run away, if they could tell whither, with these words in their mouths, "Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? Who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?" Isa 33:14 God himself answereth in the next word. Isa 33:15 "He that walketh righteously, and speaketh uprightly," &c. But Saul was none such; and therefore in his extreme fear he runneth from God to the witch, and from the witch to the sword's point.

And his heart greatly trembled.] Those that cannot fear for love, shall once tremble for fear: and God shall laugh when such a one's fears cometh. Pro 1:26

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