And the kine took the straight way to the way of Bethshemesh, [and] went along the highway, lowing as they went, and turned not aside [to] the right hand or [to] the left; and the lords of the Philistines went after them unto the border of Bethshemesh.

Ver. 12. And the kine took the straight way.] So far did God, as it were, gratify these idolaters in a thing that so much concerned his own glory, and the comfort of his poor people, who now looked upon themselves as forlorn and forsaken of him.

Lowing as they went.] In token of grief for leaving their young ones: but all creatures "continue according to thine ordinance," saith David, "for they all are thy servants." Psa 119:91 Let not us draw God's ark, bear Christ's yoke, lowing and lamenting, but lively and cheerful, "ready to every good work." Tit 3:1 Melior est sancta laetitia quam querula quasi tristitia, saith an ancient.

And the lords of the Philistines went after them.] And so, as servants and pages they attend upon the ark, which erst as conquerors they carried captive. This was the Lord's own work, and should have been marvellous in their eyes.

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