And it came to pass, when Samuel was old, that he made his sons judges over Israel.

Ver. 1. And it came to pass, when Samuel was old.] Sixty at least, say interpreters; and so less able to do all himself. Omnia fert aetas, animum quoque … fert, i.e., aufert. Age disableth for duty many times.

That he made his sons judges over Israel.] Substitutes to himself, not without God's permission and consent likely, being so holy a man. It may well be thought that he had given them good breeding, and had great hopes of their good behaviour in executing their office. It is probable also that at first they carried the matter well, till puffed up with their new dignity, and corrupted by gifts. Nero's first five years were such that Trajan was wont to say, that none ever attained to the perfection of them. Be it that Samuel was some way faulty in setting up his sons, as there is no pomegranate but hath one or more rotten kernels in it, yet it is no way likely that he was guilty of that indulgence for which his own month had denounced God's judgments against Eli: yet he succeeded him in his cross as well as his place, though not in his sin.

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