But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.

Ver. 1. But of the times and the seasons] When Christ shall come to judgment, this is to be reckoned inter arcana imperii. See Trapp on " Mat 24:36 " The times and the seasons God hath put in his own power, Acts 1:7. This is a key that he keepeth under his own girdle. Let it suffice us to know that "this is the last hour," that "the ends of the world are come upon us, and that the Lord is at hand." "The time is short" (saith our apostle, 1Co 7:29), or rolled up, as a piece of cloth, only a little left at the end. Moses brake the tables 1582 years before the birth of Christ. Nou existimo, &c., I do not think (saith holy Melancthon) that the time since the end of the Jewish polity shall be much longer than that was before the end thereof. Watch, therefore, and "be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless," 2 Peter 3:14 .

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