I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

Ver. 1. Supplications] Or, deprecations indited by that Spirit of supplication, or of deprecation, as some render it,Zechariah 11:10 .

Prayers] Strictly taken for petitions or requests of good at God's hands, which go commonly accompanied with vows of better obedience, as Gen 28:21-22 Psalms 51:14. Hence they have their name, προσευχαι .

Intercessions] Interparlings with God, either for ourselves (while we stand upon interrogatories with him, 1 Peter 3:21, as Paul doth, Romans 8:33,35, and expostulate as David often, but especially when Satan, sin, and conscience accuse us), or for others, while we complain to God against such as wrong them, and withal set ourselves seriously to implore his aid for their relief and rescue, εντευξεις, επερωτημα .

For all men] i.e. For all sorts of men, as the word "all" is used Luke 11:42 .

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