I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.

Ver. 8. Pray everywhere] Any place now (be it but a chimney) may make a goodly oratory, John 4:21 .

Lifting up holy hands] Better washed than Pilate's were, rinsed in that blessed fountain of Christ's blood,Zechariah 13:1. Else, God utterly abhors them, Isaiah 1:15,16. The priests had their laver to wash in, before they sacrificed. The Turks at this day before prayer wash both face and hands, sometimes their head, and other parts of the body. But what saith St James, James 4:8, and the prophet Jeremiah, Jer 4:14 ? The fountain of goodness will not be laden at with foul hearts and hands.

Without wrath] Or, rancour, Matthew 5:24. God will not be served till men be reconciled. When Abraham and Lot were agreed, then God appeared.

Or doubting] Hebrews 11:6; James 1:6; without disceptation or reasoning with carnal reason.

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