Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.

Ver. 6. Not a novice] νεοφυτος. Rude and proud, a young scholar or newly converted, but well experimented, and sufficiently commended by men of worth. He that offered to run a race was led about by the crier, to see what any one present could object against him, ere he was suffered to run, as Chrysostom reporteth. a So it should be here. Was he not a fit man to be a doctor of divinity, and a teacher in Israel, who being asked something touching the Decalogue, denied that he had ever any such book as that in his study Another b (and he a bishop) taking up a Bible, and reading in it awhile, when one asked him what book he had there, he answered, What book it is I know not; but this I know, that it speaketh altogether against our religion. An ass might not be coupled with an ox in ploughing. No ignorant doltish ass may plough in God's field the Church. Asinos elegit Christus et idiotas, saith Dr Beddingfield, sed oculavit in prudentes; simulque dona dedit et ministeria. Christ chose illiterate men, but made them learned and teachers of others.

He fall into the condemnation of the devil] διαβολος. That is, be condemned as the devil is, for his pride. Or, lest he come under the censure of calumniating persons, who have one common name (in Greek) with the devil. See 1 Timothy 3:11; 2 Timothy 3:3; Titus 2:3 .

a Chrysost. Hom. xxii. ad Pop. Antioch.

b Amama, Antibarb. praefat. Luther. Chytraeus.

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