And Rehoboam slept with his fathers, and was buried in the city of David: and Abijah his son reigned in his stead.

Ver. 16. And was buried in the city of David.] Burial of the dead is neither to be altogether slighted, as it was by the Cynics, nor to be performed with too much pomp and cost. Of Charles IX, king of France, what excessive honour was done him after his death, see the note on 2 Chronicles 16:14. Cyrus, that great king of Persia, charged his sons and friends upon his deathbed, not to wrap his body in gold or silver, but without any sumptuous ceremonies to lay him in his grave, and to cover him with earth: a which, saith Cicero, b was antiquissimum genus sepulturae, the most ancient kind of burying the dead.

a Xenoph., Cyrop., lib. viii.

b ii. De Legib.

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