Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak: for your work shall be rewarded.

Ver. 7. Be ye strong therefore.] Since God hath dealt better with you, and brought you back with victory and much spoil, set lustily and vigorously to work, be active for God, in reforming things amiss amongst us: your labour cannot be in vain in the Lord. Those viperous gunpowder traitors had, while they were digging in their vault of villainy, a psalter composed by some of their padres, and secretly passed from hand to hand, whereof this was a part, "Confirm your hearts with hope, for your redemption is not far off. The year of visitation draweth to an end, and jubilation is at hand. The memory of novelties shall perish with a crack, as a ruinous house falling to the ground: he will come as a flame that bursteth out beyond the furnace." &c.

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