And after [certain] years he went down to Ahab to Samaria. And Ahab killed sheep and oxen for him in abundance, and for the people that [he had] with him, and persuaded him to go up [with him] to Ramothgilead.

Ver. 2. He went down to Ahab to Samaria.] See 1 Kings 22:2, in which chapter we have the same history related as here, not abridged - as is usual with this author - but at large; this much commendeth it unto us as necessary and profitable, since the Holy Ghost doth nothing in vain.

And Ahab killed sheep and oxen.] As to feast him and his retinue, so, haply, to sacrifice to the gods, as idolaters used to do when great strangers came unto them. Dido did so when Æneas came to her court.

Simul Aeneam in regia ducit

Tecta, simul divum templis indicit honorem. ” - Aeneid, lib. i.

Now Jezebel was Dido's countrywoman, and had a great influence upon her husband Ahab.

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