Howbeit the high places were not taken away: for as yet the people had not prepared their hearts unto the God of their fathers.

Ver. 33. For as yet the people had not prepared their hearts.] They could not find in their hearts, though Jehoshaphat had been at much pains with them, 2Ch 19:4 to part with their accustomed sacrificing in those high places; nor could the king yet bring them to it. That tyrant of three letters, Mos, or custom, is very prevalent everywhere. The people called Hircani had an absurd custom of casting their dead to be devoured by dogs, which were kept for the purpose at the public charge, and called grave dogs. a And whenas king Nicanor would have broke them of that barbarous custom, he hardly escaped the loss of his kingdom and life together. b

a Cicero.

b Nicronym.

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