And after all this the LORD smote him in his bowels with an incurable disease.

Ver. 18. And after all this.] Because he proved incorrigible. Plectimur, nec tamen flectimur.

Smote him in his bowels.] So he did Arrius; John de Roma, that cruel persecutor; Alexander, the cruel keeper of Newgate; Twiford, who was executioner of Frith, Bayfield, Bainham, Lambert, Tewkesbury, and other good men in Henry VIII's time; a and Arminius, who, being grievously tormented with a cough, gout, ague, and incessant pain in his bowels, ended his wretched days at Leyden, where he had craftily revived the heresy of Pelagius.

a Act. and Mon., 1904; Ibid., 1146.

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