And as soon as the commandment came abroad, the children of Israel brought in abundance the firstfruits of corn, wine, and oil, and honey, and of all the increase of the field; and the tithe of all [things] brought they in abundantly.

Ver. 5. And as soon as the commandment came abroad.] Heb., Brake forth. Ahaz had nulled the laws for ministers' maintenance, that he might bring them to beggary and dishearten them - the like did Julian the apostate; - Hezekiah therefore reviveth those laws with the first: and the people readily obeyeth them.

Brought they in abundantly.] a Not pinchingly and deceitfully, as now-a-days. Spoliantur Parochiae et Scholae non aliter ac si fame necare nes velint, saith Luther. Our parishes and schools are so robbed of their right, as if they meant to famish us all. b To colour the matter, conscience is pretended by some: but the apostle telleth them it is not conscience, but covetousness. 2Co 9:5

a Libenter et liberaliter.

b Maligne dantibas maledicit Deus Mal 3:9

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