After these things, and the establishment thereof, Sennacherib king of Assyria came, and entered into Judah, and encamped against the fenced cities, and thought to win them for himself.

Ver. 1. After these things.] See 2 Kings 18:13, &c. When Hezekiah had set all things in good order, up came Sennacherib with his army. So after sweet communion with God, at the sacrament or otherwise, look for "leviathan, that crooked serpent," to disturb all.

And the establishment thereof.] Or, And the truth or faithfulness thereof, i.e., of the author in relating them, or rather of Hezekiah in transacting them. Postquam haec fideliter sunt gesta: so Munster rendereth it.

And thought to win them for himself.] Heb., To break them up, or to divide them, sow dissension among them, which is the mother of dissolution. Divide et impera. Divide and conquer. His father had carried away, captive the ten tribes: he doubted not, therefore but he should conquer the other two; but his hopes ran aground, as the proverb hath it.

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