Notwithstanding Hezekiah humbled himself for the pride of his heart, [both] he and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that the wrath of the LORD came not upon them in the days of Hezekiah.

Ver. 26. Notwithstanding Hezekiah humbled himself.] He afflicted himself with voluntary sorrows, when once, by the preaching of the prophet, he came to a sight of his sin. Submissior factus est superbia cordis sui - so Vatablus rendereth it - he was made more humble by the pride of his heart: as God's people are gainers by their sins also; whence that paradox of Augustine, My sins, in some sense, do me more good than my graces; for they make me afterwards more humble, more careful, more thankful for a Saviour, more merciful to others, more desirous of the state of perfection, &c. See 2 Kings 20:17,19 .

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