Now therefore arise, O LORD God, into thy resting place, thou, and the ark of thy strength: let thy priests, O LORD God, be clothed with salvation, and let thy saints rejoice in goodness.

Ver. 41. Now therefore arise, O Lord God.] Surge, age, Summe Pater: thus he inviteth the Lord to take possession of the temple, his resting place, where his ark should be no more transported, but settled for a long season.

Let thy priests, O Lord God, be clothed with salvation.] Ut plane pleneque sint sani et salvi, that they may save themselves, and those that hear them. The psalmist hath it, "Let thy priests, O Lord, be clothed with righteousness," both imputed and imparted: these are called "the righteousnesses of the saints." Rev 19:8 Let them be both justified and sanctified, adorned with holiness as with a garment. Isa 61:10 The priests, who were daily conversant in the temple, had their peculiar vestments, which foreshadowed different virtues. Solomon therefore prayeth that they may be eminent in the gifts and graces of the Spirit: immo ut circumvallentur et cireummuniantur salutaribus Dei beneficiis, ut vestimento corpus; a yea, that God would "compass them about with his favour," not only "as with a shield," Psa 5:12 but as with a garment, which sitteth close to the body, and is to it both integumentum, ornamentum et munimentum; whence also it is called garment, q., gardment, as some hold. See more, Psalms 132:8,10, which is the same almost with this, and is therefore thought to have been made by Solomon.

a Jun.

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