For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.

Ver. 12. For we dare not] This he speaks by an irony, whereof he is full in this Epistle; and may therefore be called as Socrates was, ο ειρων .

But they measuring themselves, &c.] Turning the other end of the perspective, they see themselves bigger and others lesser than they are. So bladder-like is the soul, that filled with earthly vanities, though but wind, it grows great and swells in pride. Oh, pray to be preserved from this perilous pinnacle of self-exaltation. Look into the perfect law of liberty, and draw nigh to God. The nearer we come to God, the more rottenness we find in our bones. The more any man looks into the body of the sun, the less he seeth when he looks down again.

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