By the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armour of righteousness on the right hand and on the left,

Ver. 7. On the right hand, &c.] Against the world's both irritamenta and terriculamenta, both allurements and affrightments. Contemptus est a me Romanus et favor et furor, The Roman is despised by me both in gooodwil and anger, saith Luther, when the pope one while enticed him and another while threatened him. When he was offered to be cardinal if he would be quiet, he replied, No, not if I might be pope. When he was told that he should find no favour; Quid vero facere poterunt? (said he) occident? Nunquid resuscitabunt, ut iterum occidant? What will they do? will they kill me? But can they raise me to life again that they may kill me again? Can they kill me the second time? (Epist. ad Spal.)

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