And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:

Ver. 8. And God is able] Fear not therefore lest yourselves should want hereafter, if you should give liberally now. Is not mercy as sure a grain as vanity? Is God like to break?

Having all sufficiency] He saith not, "superfluity." Enough we shall be sure of, and an honest affluence, if fit for it, and can make us friends with it. Bonus Deus Constantinum magnum tantis terrenis implevit muneribus, quanta optare nullus auderet, saith Austin (De Civit. Dei). God gave Constantine more wealth than heart could wish, and he was no niggard of it to poor Christians.

In all things] The apostle useth many "alls" on purpose to cross and confute our covetousness, who are apt to think we have never enough.

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