I rejoiced greatly that I found of thy children walking in truth, as we have received a commandment from the Father.

Ver. 4. I rejoiced greatly] This cheered up his good old heart more than any outward respects or courtesies whatsoever. See1 Thessalonians 3:8 .

I found] ευρηκα, I found by long and diligent observation, that which was worth finding; ευρημα .

Of thy children] Not all, but some of them. It is seldom seen that all a whole family are right for religion. Noah had a Ham, Abraham an Ishmael, Isaac an Esau, &c.

As we have received a commandment] The gospel also commands obedience and holy conversation. Of unruly Christians, profligate professors, we may say, There's nothing Christian in them; as of cowards they were wont to say at Rome, There was nothing Roman in them. Truly, either this is not gospel (said learned Linaker, when he had read our Saviour's sermon in the mount) or we are not gospellers. A young man told the senators of Rome that he came for to see Rome, and found it not; for, said he, either ye be not Romans of Rome, or else this is not Rome of the Romans. We may even marvel as much as Constantius the emperor did, and say with him, I wonder how it comes to pass that many of my people are worse now than before they became Christians.

Walking in the truth] Not taking a step or two, not breaking or leaping over the hedge to avoid a piece of foul way, but persisting in a Christian course, &c., not starting aside to the right hand or the left.

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