And Jehoash said to the priests, All the money of the dedicated things that is brought into the house of the LORD, [even] the money of every one that passeth [the account], the money that every man is set at, [and] all the money that cometh into any man's heart to bring into the house of the LORD,

Ver. 4. And Jehoash said to the priests.] His first care was the repair of the temple, where he had been so long hid and preserved to the crown.

All the money of the dedicated things.] Heb., Money of holinesses; contrary whereunto is the mammon of iniquity. Luk 16:11

The money of every one that passeth the account.] The half shekel, Exodus 30:12,13 , &c. paid by all above twenty, as a perpetual poll money, to the use of the tabernacle and temple, called the collection of Moses. 2Ch 24:6 The Pope had here his Peter's pence - and Polydor Virgil was his collector - so long as it held.

The money that every man is set at.] See Leviticus 27:2, &c. Redemption money.

And all the money that cometh into any man's heart.] Freewill offerings; for God straineth upon no man. See Exodus 35:5, &c. Hereunto the priests were in all places to exhort those that they knew. 2Ch 24:5

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