Then Amaziah sent messengers to Jehoash, the son of Jehoahaz son of Jehu, king of Israel, saying, Come, let us look one another in the face.

Ver. 8. Then Amaziah sent.] Being puffed up with his recent victory over the Edomites, he had a proud conceit that he should prosper in whatsoever he undertook; albeit he had now forsaken the Lord, and served the gods of those Edomites, whom he had erst subdued. By a like folly, the old Romans, after that they had subdued any nation, were wont to set up their gods to themselves, to win their favour.

Come, let us look one another in the face,] i.e., Let us fight it out in the open field. He had been wronged in his absence by those one hundred thousand mercenaries of Israel, whom he had dismissed at the command of the prophet, 2 Chronicles 25:10 ; 2Ch 25:13 who had told him that God was not with the Israelites. He was apt enough also to believe that his own forces were invincible, and that victory was now pinned to his sleeve; but he was soon confuted.

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