For I will defend this city, to save it, for mine own sake, and for my servant David's sake.

Ver. 34. For I will defend this city.] I will cover it as with a shield, - so the word signifieth see 2 Kings 19:32, - I will fence and protect it. The like God hath done for Geneva, a small city besieged with enemies, and barred out from aid of friends. It had long since been undone, saith one, but because it had so many enemies to undo it; rather because it had so gracious and powerful a God to defend this city, to save it.

For mine own sake.] That my power and care of my people may appear to all.

And for my servant David's sake.] To whom I passed my word, and wilt keep it. Here A Lapide hath a good note out of Glycas, and commendeth it; Optime Glycas, Haec verba, inquit, ita divinitus prolata sunt, &c. a These words are thus uttered by God, lest Hezekiah should think that his prayer was heard for his own righteousness' sake.

a innal., par. 2, citat, in Glossa.

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