And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.

Ver. 24. And cursed them.] By his spirit of prayer and prophecy: not out of private revenge.

And there came forth two she bears.] So Dr Whittington returning from martyring a good woman at Chipping Sadbury, was gored by a bull. a Dr Story, who vaunted that he had burnt so many earwigs - heretics he meant, - was hanged at Tyburn for treason. Hemingius telleth of a lewd fellow in Denmark, who showing great contempt against a preacher, as he passed out of the Church was brained with a tile. Luther b telleth of such another, who going into the fields to look to his sheep, after he had railed most bitterly against a godly minister, was found dead: his body being burnt as black as a coal. "Be not ye mockers, lest your bands be increased."

a Mr Clark's Martyrol., fol. 58.

b Luth., in Coll.

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