And he took their king's crown from off his head, the weight whereof [was] a talent of gold with the precious stones: and it was [set] on David's head. And he brought forth the spoil of the city in great abundance.

Ver. 30. And he took their king's crown from off his head.] After that it had been first put on by others, to show that he was now degraded of his royal dignity. So our Richard II, when to be deposed, was brought forth in a royal robe, with a crown upon his head, &c. Never, saith the historian, was prince so gorgeous with less glory and more grief.

The weight whereof was a talent of gold.] Too heavy and weighty to be worn ordinarily; held it was perhaps, or hung at solemn times, over the king's head as he sat in a chair of state. The crown of glory is much more weighty; so that if the body were not upheld by the power of God, it were impossible it should bear it. It is "an exceeding excessive eternal weight of glory." 2Co 4:17

With the precious stones.] It is said of our Queen Mary, that at her coronation, her head was so laden with pearls and precious stones, that she could not look up.

And it was set on David's head.] So our Edward III was crowned in Paris, and set there a viceroy; like as David here did Shobi the son of Nahash, who therefore helped David when he fled from Absalom. 2Sa 17:27-28 Let us set the crown on Christ's head, by whom we are more than conquerors. See Son 3:11 Revelation 4:10. Canutus set his crown upon the crucifix, according to the course of those dark times, and proclaimed, saying, Let all the inhabitants of the world know that there is no mortal man worthy the name of a king, but he to whose beck heaven, earth, and sea by his laws eternal are obedient. a

a Hen. Bunting.

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