And Joab returned from following Abner: and when he had gathered all the people together, there lacked of David's servants nineteen men and Asahel.

Ver. 30. There lacked of David's servants, &c.] War is the slaughter house of mankind, and the hell of this present world, saith one: Mars Alpha malorum. It openeth the gates of infelicity that were shut up in times of peace. Wherefore Lactantius a thought it not lawful for a just man to be a warrior: whose justice was to be his warfare. Some Anabaptists also hold the same. But God is called a man of war, Exo 15:3 and said to have war with Amalek; Exo 17:16 he sendeth the sword; Eze 14:17 mustereth the men; Isa 13:4 ordereth the ammunition; Jer 50:25 batheth the sword in heaven. Isa 34:5 David fought his battles. 1Sa 25:28 Captain Cornelius, who was of the Italian band, was highly accepted in heaven. John Baptist disliked not the soldiers' calling, but directeth them how to manage it, &c.

a Instit., lib. vi. cap. 20.

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