And afterward when David heard [it], he said, I and my kingdom [are] guiltless before the LORD for ever from the blood of Abner the son of Ner:

Ver. 28. From the blood of Abner.] Heb., Bloods: from every drop of his blood shed when he was slain. David cleareth himself and his kingdom of this crying crime. But what a deal hath France to answer for the Parisian massacre, whereby a hundred thousand, some say more, innocents perished in one year in various parts of the realm! besides the many civil dissensions there, to the effusion of much Christian blood, and six thousand gentlemen slain in private quarrels within the space of ten years! as it appears by the king's pardons. a

a See "Les Ombres des Defunts Seiures de Vilemor et de Fountains," p. 46.

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