But when the Philistines heard that they had anointed David king over Israel, all the Philistines came up to seek David; and David heard [of it], and went down to the hold.

Ver. 17. Came up to seek David,] i.e., To fight with him wheresoever they should find him: as being jealous of his growing greatness, and fearing lest they should lose their tribute. Now also was the time come when God would execute his judgments against them and their gods, as Exo 12:12 to whom they had sacrilegiously ascribed their recent victories. See 2 Samuel 5:21. Wicked men are even ambitious of destruction: these men came to seek their bane.

And went down to the hold.] That of Adullam likely, where he so thirsted for the water of the well of Bethlehem: 1Ch 11:15 hither he went, not for fear of the Philistines, but to make preparation. 1Ch 14:8

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