And David danced before the LORD with all [his] might; and David [was] girded with a linen ephod.

Ver. 14. And David danced before the Lord with all his might.] Lustily indeed, yet not lightly and vainly, as Caligula and Nero sometimes did on an open theatre; nor yet superstitiously, as the Salii, those Roman priests, did in honour of their god Mars, and as the Romanists do at this day in Spain and elsewhere before their breaden god, when he is carried in procession: but by a grave motion of his body, in a holy and sober manner and measure, as was usual with the ancients in some cases, to express thereby their spiritual jollity and ravishments of rejoicing.

And David was girded with a linen ephod.] Laying aside his royal habit; he put on a linen garment, not unlike that of the priests, to show his devotion. We read of Charles V, that at his solemn inaguration at Bononia he did put on a linen vesture, to please the Papal society, as if he were consecrated one of their priests. This was much in an emperor, but the less to be wondered at, since afterwards he sent his schoolmaster, Adrian, to Rome, to negotiate for him for the Popedom: thinking thereby to sway much, if he could get both the swords. David had no such aim when upon his silken robe he put this linen ephod, 1Ch 15:27 which, being girt to him, kept his other garments close from flying abroad when he danced. a

a Osiander on 1 Chron. xv.

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