Then went king David in, and sat before the LORD, and he said, Who [am] I, O Lord GOD? and what [is] my house, that thou hast brought me hitherto?

Ver. 18. And sat before the Lord.] So Elias sat under the juniper, and prayed; Stephen kneeled; Act 7:60 so did Paul and his company. Act 20:36 The publican stood and prayed. Luk 18:13 And the Jews had a proverb, Absque stationibus non subsisteret mundus: Were it not that the saints stood in prayer, the world would not stand. The rule here given for gesture in prayer is, that that is to be used in private which we find fittest to excite our inward devotion; and that in public there be a uniformity observed.

Who am I, O Lord?] Thus use good men to vilify and nullify themselves before the Lord. Pro 30:2

That thou hast brought me hitherto?] Eξ οιων εις οια, as that noble Iphicrates said: How greatly am I advanced? May not every saint say as much See Ezekiel 16:3,15 .

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