Which also king David did dedicate unto the LORD, with the silver and gold that he had dedicated of all nations which he subdued;

Ver. 11. Which also king David did dedicate unto the Lord.] For the building and beautifying of his temple. So did Christ, when he went forth conquering and to conquer, Rev 6:2 make use of the spoils he took from the world for the good of his Church, and for the building up of that spiritual temple; - the precious arts, for instance, which, as in the first plantation of the gospel in Europe, he shipped before into Greece, as his munition, meaning to send his soldiers soon after. So in the reviving of the gospel by the late happy reformation, there was sent before it as a harbinger, a general resurrection of all learning. The Greek tongue, by the sack of Constantinople, was sent by the Turk, though for no good will, into these western climates. The art of printing, which the Chinese say they had amongst them long before, was here made use of: and by that means, among other excellent books, conducing to the reformation, was published the Complutensian Bible in six volumes, A.D. 1515, at the charge of Cardinal Ximines, Archbishop of Toledo, two years before Luther stirred. An excellent work surely, and such as may well be reckoned among those means and instruments whereby the truth was restored, and Popery profligated: since both the original languages of the Bible, before only in the hands of the Jews and Grecians, together with the Chaldee, were now generally made known. Neander telleth us that that Bible, set forth by a limb of Antichrist (ducatorum sexcentis millenis millibus impensis), was a singular help to Luther. a

a Geogr., part 1.

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