When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day.

Ver. 10. To be glorified] This is the chief end of his coming, like as he reprobateth some that his mercy in electing others may the more appear.

To be admired] When they shall be seen to shine as the firmament, nay, as the stars, Daniel 12:3, nay, as the sun,Matthew 13:43, nay, as Christ himself, that Sun of righteousness, to the great admiration of all men. Admiration is the overplus of expectation; Christ admired at his own work in the Centurion's faith, in Nathanael's integrity ("Behold an Israelite indeed"), in his spouse's beauty, Son 4:1-16 How much more shall others admire it at that day, when grace shall become glory, when there shall be no spot, wrinkle, or other deformity! when the saints shall set the crown upon Christ's head, Song of Solomon 3:11, and cast down their crowns at his feet, Revelation 4:10,11, saying, "Thou art worthy," &c.

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