Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.

Ver. 6. Now we command you] To show how hardly we are divided from evil company, as loth to depart as Lot's wife out of Sodom, Velut canis famelicus ab uncto corio.

That ye withdraw yourselves] That ye shun them as studiously as the seaman doth a rock or shelf, στελλεσθαι, Nautarum proprium.

From every brother that walketh disorderly] From every profligate professor, and carnal gospeller, that walketh contra gnomonem et Canonem Decalogi, cuique vita est incomposita, et pessime morata (as an interpreter speaketh), contrary to God, and to every good work reprobate.

And not after the tradition] sc. That men should sweat out their living, and earn it before they eat it. Sin brought in sweat, Genesis 3:19. And now, not to sweat, increaseth sin.

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