Of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers.

Ver. 14. Strive not about words] Either out of novelty or niceness. As Longolius, who would not use the word Ecclesia, Church, but instead thereof, Respublica Christiana, The State of Christians. Another Italian bishop for Episcopus took up the heathenish word Flamen; so Castalio for Angelus hath Genius. (Joh. Manl. loc. com.) And Pomponius Laetus was full of such like fooleries, airy contestations, and empty strifes. (Lud. Vives.) Or, strive not with words, bandying contumelious speeches (which is but to wash off dirt with dirt). Bishop Montague could not name any one, that did never so little dissent from him, without a reproach, as Rivet noteth of him. Arbitror te veritate convictum, ad maledicta converti, saith Jerome to Helvidius, I suppose thou hast nothing to say against the truth, and dost therefore fall a railing at me that defend it. Or, think not to carry it by big and boasting words without better proof, but stone thine adversaries with arguments, as Athanasius adviseth; burn heretics with the fire of charity, as Luther teacheth.

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