Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

Ver. 19. Nevertheless the foundation] viz. Of God's election, which is here compared to a sealed book: on the one side of the seal is written, "The Lord knoweth them that are his." On the other side, "And let every one that nameth," &c. This the apostle setteth forth, for the better settling of such as were shaken by the fall of Hymenaeus and Philetus, two such forward professors.

Standeth sure] As on a rock. Our English word "sure" seems to come from the Hebrew tzur, a rock.

Having this seal] A seal is for two ends, safety and secrecy. The Jews use to write on the back of their sealed packets, Nun, Cheth, Shin, that is, Niddui, Cherem, and Shammatha, all sorts of excommunication to him that shall offer to break up sealed businesses. God's hidden ones are in a safe hand, and out of danger of utter apostasy, though he again suffereth the tree of his Church to be shaken, that rotten fruit may fall off.

The Lord knoweth them, &c.] In respect of the freeness of his election and immobility of his affection. Howbeit this knowledge that God hath of his, is carried secret, as a river underground, till he calls and separates us from the rest.

That nameth the name of Christ] He may have an infallible seal of salvation, that but nameth Christ's name in prayer, that can say no more than Abba, Father, desiring and resolving to depart from iniquity.

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