Wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil doer, even unto bonds; but the word of God is not bound.

Ver. 9. But the word of God is not bound] It runs and is glorified, 2 Thessalonians 3:1, being free and not fettered. I preach, though a prisoner, saith Paul; so did Bradford and other martyrs. Within a few days of Queen Mary's reign, almost all the prisons in England were become right Christian schools and churches (saith Mr Fox), so that there was no greater comfort for Christian hearts than to come to the prisons to behold their virtuous conversation, and to hear their prayers, preachings, &c. The Earl of Derby's accusation in the Parliament house against Mr Bradford was, that he did more hurt (so he called good evil) by letters and conferences in prison, than ever he did when he was abroad by preaching.

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