For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,

Ver. 6. Creep into houses] Gr. ενδυνοντες, shoot themselves into the inner rooms of houses, qui sese immergunt, by their pithanology and counterfeit humility, as the Jesuits and many of our modem sectaries, a That creep like ferrets or weasels, as the Syriac here hath it.

Lead captive silly women] Gr. αιχμαλωτιζοντες, take them prisoners, and then make price of them, 2 Peter 2:3. Egregiam vero laudem, et spolia ampla refertis. (Virgil.) But omnes haereses ex gynaeciis. It is the guise of heretics to abuse the help of women, to spread their poisonous opinions. They get an Eudoxia, Justina, Constantia on their side; and so work upon Adam by Eve. Of women they have ever made their profit, that have attempted any innovation in religion.

a Mulierculas Iesuitae pio studio semper complecti soleni.

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