Therefore loosing from Troas, we came with a straight course to Samothracia, and the next day to Neapolis;

Ver. 11. We came with a straight course] Or with a speedy course. The straight way is the next way: a "How long wilt thou go about, O backsliding daughter?" Jeremiah 31:22. Impii ambulant in circuitu, saith the Psalmist, the wicked walk the round; so doth the devil, that great peripatetic, b seeking to circumvent, Job 1:7. But the righteous look straight before them, Proverbs 4:25, and make straight paths for their feet, Hebrews 12:13; so that they soon finish their course with joy, and live long in a little time.

To Samothracia] An island opposite Thracia; whereof see Pliny, iv. 11.

Neapolis] A city near Philippi, in the borders between Thracia and Macedonia.

a ευθυδρομης ' Utrumquo significat, et recte et cito currentes. Lorin.

b Walking about or from place to place in connection with some occupation or calling; itinerant. ŒD

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