Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.

Ver. 21. Whom the heavens must receive until, &c.] Note this against the Ubiquitaries, whose error was first broached by Gerson, about the time of the Council of Constance. Afterwards, defended at Paris by Jacobus Faber Stapulensis, A. D. 1524, who was therefore banished the next year out of France. (Scultet. Annul.) But Luther brought it into Germany, Brentins stickled for it, and Smidelinus obtruded it upon many, even against their wills; and was therefore called the apostle of the Ubiquity. The author of the Practice of Piety thus distinguisheth: Secundum esse naturale Christus non est ubique, secundum esse personale Christus est ubique, even the body of Christ. It was objected as a heresy against Thomas Man, martyr, that he had affirmed, That the Father of heaven was the altar, and the second person the sacrament: and that upon the Ascension Day, the sacrament ascended upon the altar, and there abideth still. But what an audacious heretic is he that writes of the "mortality of the soul," to interpret this place thus, "The heavens must contain him," that is, he "must be in the sun;" for he holds that there is no heaven till the resurrection.

Until the times of restitution] This Plato hammered at in his great revolution; when, after many thousands of years, all things shall be again statu quo prius, as they were at first.

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