Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.

Ver. 6. Silver and gold have I none] The newelected pope, in his solemn Lateran procession, must take copper out of his chamberlain's lap, and scatter it among the people, saying, Gold and silver have I none. Whenas Petrarch writeth that when Pope John XXII died, his heirs found in his treasury 250 tons of gold. And when Pope Boniface VIII was taken and plundered by Philip the Fair, king of France, there was more store of treasure carried out of his palace than all the kings of the earth could show again, saith the historian. Every pope hath the sign of the cross on his pantofle shining gloriously with pearls and precious stones, ut plenis faucibus crucem Christi derideat, saith mine author in derision of Christ's cross. (Heidelfield.)

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