And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith.

Ver. 7. A great company of the priests] Despair not therefore of the worst; God hath his time to call them. Wycliffe was a great enemy to the swarms of begging friars, with whom it was harder to make war than with the pope himself; whom he pronounced Antichrist, and made him lose in England his tenths and Peter's pence. a Howbeit, sundry of the frairs fell to him, and embraced his opinions; among whom, one that was the pope's chaplain, professing that he came out of his order and out of the devil's nest. (Speed.)

a An annual tax or tribute of a penny from each householder having land of a certain value, paid before the Reformation to the papal see at Rome; also, a similar tribute paid by several northern lands. The institution of Peter's pence has been attributed to Ine king of Wessex, 688\-728, and to Offa king of Mercia, 755\-94. It is mentioned as due by ancient law in a (Latin) letter of Canute in 1031. It was discontinued by statute in 1534. ŒD

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