But I will kindle a fire in the wall of Rabbah, and it shall devour the palaces thereof, with shouting in the day of battle, with a tempest in the day of the whirlwind:

Ver. 14. But I will kindle a fire, &c.] With mine own hands (not only send a fire, as before, Amos 1:10; Amo 1:12); as Charles V Emperor of Germany (when it was told him how that Farnesius, the Pope's general, had ravished certain ladies), brake out into these hot words: If I had the villain here I would kill him with mine own hands; neither was he ever heard to speak anything with so great anger in all his days.

With shooting in the day of battle] Cum clangore, vel ululatu, with noise of trumpets and soldiers, so terrible, haply, as that in the bloody fight beween the great Turk, Amurath III, and Lazarus, despot of Servia; where the noise was so great that the wild beasts in the mountains stood astonished, and the birds fell to the earth amazed thereat.

With a tempest] i.e. with incredible swiftness, and all on the sudden; and so the more terrible, because impetuous.

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