Though ye offer me burnt offerings and your meat offerings, I will not accept [them]: neither will I regard the peace offerings of your fat beasts.

Ver. 22. Though ye offer me burnt offerings, &c.] So long as ye stick in the bark, please yourselves in the external performance, rest in the work done, think to expiate your sins by your duties, and to set off with God for your bad deeds by your good, and to get a licence thereby to live as you list: "though ye offer me burnt offerings," which were wholly burnt in sacrifice to God, and so were ordinarily most acceptable.

I will not accept them] Nor shall you be a button the better for them, but the worse. Isaiah 63:8, yea, though ye added wine, oil, and incense, that there might be a savour of rest in it. The very heathens could say, that God's favour is not to be gained by multitude of sacrifices, but by the integrity of those that offer them.

Neither will I regard (or look at) the peace offerings of your fat beasts] Whether sheep or oxen, or another distinct creature bigger than an ox, called in the Arabic dialect gamus, as Aben Ezra affirmeth, the French call it buffie, and we the buffe, or wild ox: all would not do; God would neither see nor hear, as it followeth.

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