He shall also set his face to enter with the strength of his whole kingdom, and upright ones with him; thus shall he do: and he shall give him the daughter of women, corrupting her: but she shall not stand [on his side], neither be for him.

Ver. 17. He shall also set his face.] Antiochus longed sore to be lord of Egypt, and therefore undertook a third expedition against Epiphanes; but that not succeeding to his mind, he seweth the fox's skin to the lion's hide, and seeketh to get that by treachery which by open hostility he could not.

And upright ones with him.] Or, Equal conditions with him. He shall palliate his treachery with very fair pretences; he shall seem to do righteous things, drawing a fair glove over a foul hand; thus shall he do.

And he shall give him the daughter of women.] The fair Cleopatra, his beautiful daughter, filiam e mulieribus selectam; like as Saul gave Michal to David, to be a snare to him.

Munera pulchra quidem mittis, sed mittis in hamo.

- Martial.

Corrupting her.] Suborning her to make away her husband, Ptolemaeus Epiphanes. This was devilish policy, simulata necessitudo duplex simultas, but it took not.

But she shall not stand on his side, neither be for him.] As became a good wife, she clave to her husband; so did the before mentioned Michal, in whom, though we find no great store of religion - for both she had an image in the house, and afterwards mocked David for his devotion - yet nature had taught her to prefer a husband to a father.

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