And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.

Ver. 21. And in his estate shall stand up a vile person.] This was his true title - as "wicked" was Haman's Est 7:6 - though he affected to be called Epiphanes, Illustrious or famous; and Josephus reports that the Samaritans, to curry favour with him when he tormented the Jews, styled him Antiochus, the mighty God. Oh, detestable! - surely that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God; Luk 16:15 but the bramble thinketh it a goodly thing to reign, so doth not the vine and fig tree. Jdg 9:8-15 A good man honoureth them that fear the Lord, but contemneth a vile person. Psa 15:4 Mr Foxe, when one asked him, saying, Do ye not remember such an honest, poor man, for whom you did something? Yes, said he, I forget lords and ladies to remember such. And again, when a great lord and wicked met him in the streets, and asked him, How do you, Mr Foxe? he said little. Do you not know me? said the great lord. No, not I, said Mr Foxe. I am such a one, said he. Sir, I desire, said Mr Foxe, to know none but Christ and him crucified.

To whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom.] But he shall take it, whether the nobles will or not; and so might well have been called, as his father sometimes was, Antiochus Hierax, the hawk or puttock, for his swooping and ravaging.

But he shall come in peaceably.] Under pretence of a protector to his nephew Demetrius, as did our Richard III.

And shall obtain the kingdom by flatteries.] Winning men's hearts by presents, courtesies, and secret practices.

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